Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Renewal

Renewing this blog after eleven years gives me much trepidation. First, my views have changed a lot since the Apocalypse Papers were first started. Second, my life has changed dramatically. And lastly the world is in a weary state the likes only the earliest generations have ever seen. 

Yet, I will save the doom and gloom for other bloggers. 

And stick to the point. We are in the midst of a pandemic. A pandemic that is growing more and more fierce by the moment. There is no vaccine. There is no cure. There isn’t a treatment. But what exists is pure and unadulterated ignorance enhanced by personal freedoms. 

Personal freedoms that look like this. People standing on street corners huddled together in speech.People who casually stroll with their faces uncovered as if nothing was happening. People who are laughing and staring and not paying attention to the fact that just three hours north, they are filling mass graves on Hart Island with Coronavirus victims.

As I drove through downtown Baltimore (that changed also), I realized that the people who this virus will most affect. The poor communities. Are not getting the memo. That the virus is an agent of death. That nothing will stop if it decides to infect you, give you pneumonia, make you septic and then kill you dead as disco. 

Your momma can’t stop it. Bleach won’t stop it. Hot baths won’t stop it. The only thing that slows the transmission is to be at a minimum six feet apart. And cover your mouth. Why. 

Because the virus can float on air. 

Sounds primitive. Buts that’s all we got until there is a vaccine. And then a cure. 

Feels good to be back


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