Friday, May 15, 2020

Ten Things to Do PostCo



Personally, my post-Corona list is like six hundred things long. 532 being watching that sunset, naked, drunk, and eating a bacon sandwich. I mean, I could actually do that now. But when I pull out my PostCo dad bod, 532 will be fantastic. You hear me. Fan-damn-tastic. Nonetheless. When the quarantine is lifted, and we can pursue our selfish directions of whatever the fuck we want. I would suggest that we do these ten things.


10. Get a Passport because the travel industry will be wide open. And there will be plenty to do. You know what the inside of your house looks like. Why not find out what someone else’s house looks like.


9. Meet New Friends that want to go an explore elsewhere. That means take a trip on foot. Look at the leaves on a new tree branch. Save a beetle from drowning. Count fat fluffy clouds. As long as it is outdoors.


8. Touch, the coronavirus has limited the human contact that humans need daily. Unless you are in the house with your bae, boo, spouse, or friend. And then you are probably tired of touching them anyway.


7. Listen to the Waves in Peace, right now beaches are in various states of open and close around the country. Because people are sick and tired of being in the house, they will risk their health. Just to go to the beach. Now is not the time. The time is PostCo. Then sit and reflect on how you survived.


6. Work Out. That does not mean go full Conan and get a six-pack and glutes that could crush a doorknob. Celebrate by stretching those muscles. Getting limber. Lowering your resting heart rate. And preparing for number five.


5. Run strengthen your lungs get to see what your body is made of how it responds to exercise and how amazing it will become. This is actually number three on my list.


4. Log out of social media. Who gives a flying fat bat, cause bats are the enemy now, if one of your friends got a new what the fu*k ever and is now balling. So what. Get away from the PostCo baby gender reveals. The engagement snaps. Go find a space in this world where there is time to hear yourself breathe. Away from basic shit like that. 


3. New Everything post corona will be a time of rebirth. Whether this comes on the heels of a vaccine or a cure. PostCo will be the time to empty your closet and shop for things that will improve you. Coming from a conservative this sounds incredulous, right? Wrong. I got suits and sports coats already picked out. Immo be fresh as hell if the feds are watching.


2. Build Your Own Business because PostCo will see the business landscape change. There will be money. There will be trillions of dollars to stimulate the American tax base. You can either go back to work. Or put people to work. It’s your choice. However, if you are smart, you will start a business. 


1. Throw those damn masks away. I’m burning mine. During PostCo I’m sure they would have figured out how to prevent transmission, prevent infection, and reduce the chances of death. So, the masks won’t be needed anymore. Unless you are working in surgery or in close contact with a patient with a weird respiratory disease. Or the flu.





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