Friday, May 08, 2020

Homeless Doesn't Mean Helpless

 Homeless in Paris

Working with the homeless population of people and married to a Case Manager, I believe there is a supreme disconnect to what homeless people actually want and actually have. Not to say that I can speak to homelessness. Simply because I have never been homeless. And because it is one of America’s top twenty shortfalls. With homelessness being number fifteen. I’ll post that list next week. However. What do you say to a person who no bills? Lives unencumbered on the street. Knows where to get a meal, where to take a shower, and has an address to receive benefits? Can sleep in the cool summer night air. 

Or reside in a warm shelter or hospital bed in the frigid winter?

Side note: This is not an assault on the homeless.

However, it is a question as to why the hell am I paying for two different residences? Paying taxes. Paying for parking. Paying for health insurance. Paying for the right drive on an interstate. I don’t rightfully understand it. Light bills, water bills, cable bills, internet bills, and the list goes on and on and on.

When in actuality: The homeless are on to something.

Oh, boo hoo, I’m sure if you think this post is snarky as hell? It sure is. Because those people who want off of the streets can do so.

Need to start over and get back on your feet? There’s a program for that.

Need to sober up and get off of your drugs of choice? There’s a program for that too.

We need to have an emergency place to stay with food. There’s a program for that also.

Need to have health benefits, housing placement, clothes, haircuts, transportation, cellular phones? Yes, there are programs for that.

There are so many programs, I could break my whole life down into one large backpack go find a spot under a bypass or a homeless camp and start over.

But many homeless people do not.

And this leads me to believe that there is a certain type of solitude and independence of living the way you want to live. And for some people, this isn’t bad at all. It’s just the homeless lifestyle flies against the morays and folkways of the established community. And it takes a certain type of bravery I do not possess to do such a thing.

Vale ~H~

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