Tuesday, May 12, 2020

30 Day Social Media Blackout

I have been a tremendous fan of Reddit, Tumblr, sometimes Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram upon my introduction to them.

Here is the problem.

I can’t get shit done for following Reddit, Tumblr, sometimes Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram upon my introduction to them.

Looking back, I did some maths (British slang) and realized that I shelved a majority of my writing, reading, and business anything close to the time when I immersed myself in the Social media stratosphere.

I shelved an entire series of Novellas because of social media.

I feel like a complete idiot.

And. . .

I must read a million posts, reblogged ten thousand posts, liked on Facebook, scrolled past the tweets, Snapped on, and snapped off of the snapchatter. And looked at the DM’s because I cannot slide into them.

And summarily fell deep into the dreaded Social medial hole. Groupthink became the norm for me. Group likes, group dislikes group donations. The entire lot of it.

Taking a break has afforded me boredom, boredom on a level where I have to customize my own web experience. Find my own likes. Find my own interactions and causes to be concerned about. And in the interwebs, this can take a while.

I mean unless you like porn. And holy cow there is a menagerie of porn out there.

I mean really, there is porn for everything you can imagine.

Is porn social media?

I’ll look that up later.

Slipping back into the groove of writing and business I’ll see if I can extend my hiatus of social media. And if not, I will see you in another ten years.

Vale ~H~

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