Friday, May 01, 2020

Pandemic Woes

HazMat Marine Training 
At the start of the Covid 19 pandemic, I have witnessed the insane ignorance in the face of overwhelming evidence. Ignorance even with the evidence you say. How dastardly? Armed protestors are rushing the capital in Michigan for the right to die from coronavirus. People on Instagram are swearing that this virus can be cured with saltwater. Pastors refuse to adhere to the warnings even after their parishioners perish.

There has been the “Man-Made Virus,” crowd, the “If I get it, I get it” crowd, “open my stores back up” crowd, and “the I got to go to church crowd.” “The nothing can stop me” crowd and “I gotta go to the beach” crowd. The "just eat fruits and berries" crowd.

People are drinking bleach and taking fake cures. People are still mingling and mixing instead of paying attention to the mandate of social distance.

Science is finding out that the virus can remain airborne for up to three hours.

False news, fake information, mass graves, refrigerated trucks filled with dead bodies, unrefrigerated trucks filled with dead bodies.

Governor Larry Hogan(R) should run for president. Just sayin.

And all along the Coronavirus has been a silently making a mockery of us all.

Yet with all the wonton ignorance, watching someone die from Coronavirus is horrible. It is probably the worst imaginable death I could ever imagine. Where the patient is drowning the entire time. And I will save the deep details from here. But as this person declines. The sudden realization that I could be next. Because there is nothing that can stop the virus. One slip of my decontamination protocol and I too am dying a lonely death. I too will be placed on oxygen and comfort flow and when that doesn’t work-on to intubation. And for us in healthcare, we harden ourselves to what happens when a patient is intubated.

Vale ~H~

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