Friday, June 12, 2020

War Body

Ogun African God of War

This is a topic that is covered a thousand times across the internet. But I think that the aim of men’s health is completely off. The message is one of more hair, a six-pack, larger arms, a bigger d*ck, a longer stroke, and muscles everywhere. What I am getting at is that the message that is being promoted to men at this time is one of a war body. And for those of us that have been to war know that a six-pack and biker arms are no match for NATO rounds. 

I don’t disagree with those aforementioned themes, but I do disagree with not including every component of men’s health. Like prostate health, urinary flow control, sexual exercise (didn’t know that existed) cardiac improvement. Stamina and Endurance.  Mental exercising and stress management. Skin, hair, and nail health, and flexibility. Water intake. Water intake. And Water intake. 

As a Man and a Nurse, I am in constant contact with men who are in reasonable external physical shape and have poor internal health. Being a Nurse and Paramedic has led me to believe that health maintenance is not promoted heavily enough to men. After all how many guys will admit that they cannot touch their toes or have trouble with their stream? Or how many guys go to the gym every day to keep the Dad bod away only to have poor endurance or limited sexual performance. 

Heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, cancer, and now coronavirus increases the chances of early death. There is no choice but to strike back by developing a strategy against those maladies. A strategy that promotes survival and quality of life over external appearances. So, I have personally decided to improve my health maintenance, change my body type, improve my diet, and when I am done, write a book about my new and improved War Body. I would enjoy looking like Ogun the African God of War. But. I'll pass. That's a 24/7 job. Yet, I don’t know how long this process will take. But I am sure that I will get there.  


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