Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Ten Rules of Business

Having run a multimillion-dollar Ambulance service and a practicing serial entrepreneur over the last thirty years. There is a couple of things, I have learned about business and the business environment. I know that you can overthink things. I know that millions will not just magically fall out of the sky. I know that all sizzle and no snack will set you back. And I learned these business concepts and principals over time. I also know that if you want to learn the business you have to have a business. Business is an active verb. Yet, running into people who are often ready to take the plunge and lean towards financial independence. I realize that many people are confused as to what business is, how business works, and what is sheer fuckery.


My Ten Rules 


Rule #1 Business is a service. You are serving a need and this need does not need to be invented.


Rule#2 Business is not your face on a business card so your mamma can brag, “Look at my baby,” Customers are bias, judgmental, and skittish as an antelope at a lion party.


Rule#3 Business is fickle and a cruel mistress who will change on you in a heartbeat. Always have backup plans 2-26 to make sure you can stay afloat.


Rule# 4 Business is not your bank account so you can purchase a used premium car, buy high-end clothes, and flex on the gram.


Rule #5 Business has a set of rules and laws that create millionaires over time. Don’t give up if you don’t meet your expectations quickly.


Rule #6 A business plan can be one page long.


Rule #7 Business is started in the smallest of ways. Note: Pablo Escobar started his empire by selling used bicycle parts.


Rule#8 You don’t have the next best thing. Just offer something someone else wants. See rule one

Rule#9 People who are not business-minded will sway you from your business goals.


Rule#10 Educate but don’t hesitate. Learn about your business but learn by doing. That is the way you become successful.




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