What it says: “A National Preserve of Documentary Films about American Roots Cultures
streamed with essays about the traditions and film making. The site includes transcriptions, study and teaching guides, suggested readings, and links to related websites.”
What I found: It is a look back at the past. You can get lost in the different videos.
9. www.npr.org
What it says: “NPR (National Public Radio) is an internationally acclaimed producer and distributor of noncommercial news, talk, and entertainment programming.”
What I found: Faces behind the voices of “Morning Edition” and “All Things Considered” my favorite talk shows. Full of NPR information and extra NPR information if you are a NPR fan.
What it says: “…a radio Internet service that wants a conversation with you.”
What I found: A free radio Internet radio that you will love for sure.
7. www.entrepreneurs-journey.com
What is says: “…by the numbers it means that 80 percent of your outcomes come from 20 percent of your inputs.”
What I found: Work until you find out what it is you like to do. This site is Quite interesting if you are a writer or a burgeoning entrepreneur.
What it says: “Top-100 essential downloads of free software & freeware for Windows XP.”
What I found: Free shareware programs for XP. Especially FREE virus scanners. WARNING: Do not download programs you do not know how to use! I found out the hard way.
What it says: “HAIL FOAMY!”
What I found: A neurotic potty mouth squirrel rants about everything. This site is funny as heck. The squirrel really does have a potty mouth watch his toons at your own peril!
What it says: “Channel surf the Internet with StumbleUpon! Discover great websites,
videos, pictures and more — all according to your interests.”
What I found: Stumble will keep you rooted to your computer chair until you have butt cramps. It is an Internet roulette wheel taking you to random websites according to the interest you pick. However it is best to have the FireFox browser first before you install this program.
What it says: “Make money from your blog.”
What I found: Long read but very, very informative.
What it says: “No matter how much you love your job, you can't work for 10 hours straight. That’s why there's Futility Closet — 2,000 anecdotes, epigrams, illusions, and wonders; puzzles, prodigies, sublimities and horrors. Read a few and get back to work. We'll keep finding more.”
What I found: It is a literal merry-go-round of oddities that will “un-bore” you if there could ever be such a word.
What it says: “The award-winning Web browser is now faster, more secure, and fully customizable to your online life. With FireFox 2, we’ve added powerful new features that make your online experience even better.”
What I found: This is a highly customizable web browser that you can add themes to, and all sorts of unique extensions. FireFox comes with pop-up blocker and will TELL you if you are running an illegal script or about to download content from an unknown host. Download this browser today.
This was just a small list of sites I frequented daily during 2006.
Have a Happy New Year and be safe!!!!